Easy, fast, and hassle-free deposits/withdrawals!
Deposit And Withdrawal
Deposit Time: Quick transactions 24/5 between 21:00 GMT Sunday – 21:00 GMT Friday.
Deposit Fees: WesternFX does not apply any deposit fees.
Withdrawal time : 2-7 days depends on withdrawal method.
Withdrawal fees : WesternFx does not apply withdrawal fees on certain withdrawal method.
Available Deposit and Withdrawal Options are
Wire Transfer
Deposit Time: Funds sent by wire transfer usually take between 2-7 working days to be credited to your account (depends on media bank).
Fees– Specific fee applied for wire transfer depends on specific bank.
Withdrawal time : 2-7 working days depends on media bank Fees : Specific fees applied for wire transfer depends on specific bank
Credit Cards
Deposit Time: 1 hour maximum.
Fees– Specific fee applied.
Withdrawal time : 2-7 working days
Online Payment Options
Deposit Time: Instant credit to MT5 account.
Fees– No fees are charged
Withdrawal Time : 1-3 working days
Fees : Fees depends on specific Payment Gateway.
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