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WesternFX top gainer ranking for the month of November

Laddi Pappu700%
Ching Pong84.25%
Yang Liang71.81%
Abdul Karim67.14%
Abdulla Zadeh64.4%
Raman Reddy61.22%

WesternFX top gainer ranking for the month of November
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Forex risk management trading strategies

In the fast-paced world of foreign exchange, risk management is crucial. It offers a structured way to handle uncertainty, protect capital, and improve the chances of successful trades.Types of risks in forex tradingMarket risk in forex trading refers to the volatility of a currency’s value. Price fluctuations in forex are...

Benefits of forex trading

The forex market is not only the biggest financial market in the world but also one of the most accessible markets to trade on. This marketplace is made up of buyers and sellers from all over the world participating in forex live trading and offers opportunities suitable for both beginner and experienced...

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